mplcursors examples#

As mplcursors is fundamentally a library for interactivity, you should download the examples and try them yourself :-)

mplcursors’ core functionality

mplcursors' core functionality

Annotate on hover

Annotate on hover

Changing properties of the popup

Changing properties of the popup

Contour plots

Contour plots

Cursors on images

Cursors on images

Datetime data

Datetime data

Display a bar’s height and name on top of it upon hovering

Display a bar's height and name on top of it upon hovering

Display an artist’s label instead of x, y coordinates

Display an artist's label instead of x, y coordinates

Displaying a custom label for each individual point

Displaying a custom label for each individual point

Extracting data and labels from a DataFrame

Extracting data and labels from a DataFrame

Highlighting the artist upon selection

Highlighting the artist upon selection

Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts

Linked artists

Linked artists

Scatter plots are highlighted point-by-point.

Scatter plots are highlighted point-by-point.

Step plots

Step plots

Using multiple annotations and disabling draggability via signals

Using multiple annotations and disabling draggability via signals

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery